Tuesday, January 18, 2011


"Life comes at you fast" the widely recognized tag line for an insurance company works because it is true.      In our lives we face illnesses, time restraints, demands of the family and work - all the things that can stop us in our tracks and cause us to eat for comfort.  As I was reminded by a member of the Devonshire Accountability Ladies (DAL) that God should be our comfort.  But he isn't tangible - not like a bowl of ice cream or cookies.  It takes effort to feel touched by God.  It takes purposeful intent and searching.  When things get hard, purposeful intent and quiet time are not our first choice.  However, I feel that God responds to our cries.  If in a moment of challenge we cry to God I feel he will give us what we need - we just have to be open to what He has to offer and be satisfied.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 says "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curse.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to Him."

Donna Patrow says "who you are right now is largely the sum of the daily choices you've been making for years."  True?  Probably.  Hard to admit?  Definitely.

This week is about making new choices, better choices, God pleasing choices!  Go Ladies - Glorify God in all you Do!


  1. Thanks for getting this going Kelly, I'll be praying for all of us every day that we make God pleasing choices. My problem is that I think I need someone in the same room with me all the time asking me if that is a good choice. I struggle with justifying my choices because "I deserve it" I need to learn that I do not belong to me. So in keeping with the accountability thing I promise I will not get upset with anyone who asks me if I'm making good choices. Are you?

  2. I'm doing well but mainly because I haven't felt well all day and yesterday my husband made dinner. Thanks for asking - Russ calls himself the "food Police". sometimes I get frustrated at that but I know it is doing me good. So, ask someone to be the "food police". I know someone in your house could do it!
